Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Only one for me ....

I lived all this days with my lips sealed
and carrying my unshed tears
But in my heart ..the flames of love
has always been burning for you
Simply for you

But how cruel this world for me ..
It was ordered that I have to live without you ..
They said that you are unknown to me
This world tries to prove that you are not for me
may be that is the reality or may be that is the truth
which I dont want to admit

But still ...I dont know a way to forget this love
dont know a way to remove this love
I just desired you every moment in my life
Even upon death this love will never fade from my heart
those words u said , those actions u had ..
all that comes as a memory to me which covered from tears
My dearest darling
give your sorrows to me ...and let me carry all that for you
I only need to see your happiness
no matter what goes around me
all I need is the smile for you
and happiness should be eternal in your life

Coz you are in my prayers
and each prayer says your name
and only thing it ask from God
is the comfort for you
and to keep you covered
with the tenderness of love ....

I know separation will be unbearable for me
I just dont want even to think of it ..
I know its the only thing which will remain with me
but still I dont mind
from far away on earth
still I will remain keeping you inside my heart
thinking that you are in joy..

Love you my little princess
Miss you sooooo much

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Missing you soooooooooooooo much

Darling I dont know why ...
But I miss you sooooooooooooo much today
Dont even feel like going to sleep
just awaiting with a hope of a message from you
But I wonder whether you are feeling the same
I just just cant take it anymore darling
You ...my little princess
I cant resist my heart which is crying for you
it just doesnt let me do anything than waiting
waiting for a call from you
can you hear me...
can you read this silence
it simply wants to say how much I love you
and this very moment I miss you sooooooooooo much !!!

My eyes are paining of looking at skype
still its ready to wait few more hours
staring and wait for a call from you
I just just cant wait anymore
Simply simply miss you my sweet little princess

I cant understand this world
and what it has given me
It finally gave me a person to love
to love with all my heart
coz you were the exact one
that this heart looked for all this time
a heart that can feel for love
but too unfortunate to see that
I cant express  my love the way I want
I know then it will sure be a burden to you

Coz if I start revealing my self
then there wont be any time for you to do anything
than being with me
as I cant live even a second without you
a minute without thinking of you
will sure be a time that I dont breath
coz you have taken my breath away

heart is paining now darling
its really hurting
and I cant do anything than just looking at your photos
listening to your recordings
But still I need to hear from you live
right now ..in this very moment
coz I am missing the best part of me
and I  miss you soooooooo much my love
I am missing you so badly this time..
Call me soooooooooooooooooooon!!!

I need you by my side ...Atleast make sleep comes closer to me
So that I can live with you in my dreams ....

Till the Sun Grows Cold....

All this time I loved you ..loved you...loved you..
and at last I realized that you never wanted it to be so
All this year I kept you so secure inside my heart
and just covered you with the tenderness of love
Inside my heart I made you the queen ..
I made you the part which is not replaceable..
But still you never knew it ..never valued it..
All this time you rejected it 
rejected it as a piece of dust which passed by your foot
But darling still you never noticed how this heart can take it
You never knew that the cut will be so deep 
if you leave is so
its just bleeding where no one can stop till the death

So I understand that no one can stop this 
never ever can be replaced either 
the love for you is so precious and unique that
only you can have it 
and it will remain as it is thou how much you reject it..
You really replaced many people in my heart
But none could replace the place which you were in
that is the reality my dearest love....

You know what ...I never knew a word called jealousy
But seems you are trying to teach me what it is
Coz when my love made me filled my heart with you 
and tears comes in when I see that you are gone
and even more tears comes out 
when I see that you are in some ones heart
But still I bear it 
you know why ??
Coz I dont want you to suffer being with me
if you never wanted me
I can be happy if you are happy with the people 
you are staying with ..

But just remember 
that any time any day 
this little heart will remain the same 
thou you have been left alone with nothing
I will be there no matter where in the world I will be
thou you have grown old and ugly
still you will be the prettiest my eyes wanted to see
Thou you become deaf and dumbs
still I will be there to read your silence 
as that is the best tune which my ears wanted to hear

You are my beloved lover..
yes you are 
no matter how much far away you stay 
you still live inside me
and no matter what silence go through us
This love will never die
no matter how much I try 
to turn the burning fire inside me 
into a cold and calm place
still I couldnt even take a single flame out 
as your smile which has stuck inside me
has made me live thousand more years
having this love for you 
I miss you so much and 
wanna hug you and simply say 

Love from distance....

This is a big silence..
But do you know darling what this means
What this silence really means ...
It really makes me love you more and more
It makes me feel for you more and more
But my darling
how sad to see that I cant express my self
at all in front of you

Truly with all my heart I still love 
I just cant believe how u stole my heart like this
without having a need of having me even for a second 
for your life
I dont know what miracle you did 
to make me love you this much 
I know you worth giving my love
also I know its no use as you never wanted it
But tell me one little tip to make my heart
forget u darling
I just cant live even  a second without having you in my mind
I try not to contact you 
I try not to talk to you 
I try not to keep you inside my heart
But all this time after all that effort 
I realized that by doing all that 
I make my heart love you more
I make my self miss you more

I wonder ..still wonder 
how you occupied me this much
without letting any other come in 
You not only occupied my mind
but also occupied my dreams
Every second i live 
I live with you ...
You are far away 
and may be even far away from your mind
But for me ..you are just inside my heart
Always..every second...

I cant take this silence darling
but still I know I cant express my self to you 
If I am to be..
All this time I just wanted to say 
just wished to murmur to your ears 


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Weren't you a mum to me...


You lighted my life just as the moon
Nourished my career and made my future
You let me have courage to go for
You made my life smelling like a flower

You made me think of you as my sister
May be as my own mother
May be as a beloved friend
Who was with me when in need
I know this is a bond came from
my birth to birth ..
I never had a replacement for you
Still couldn't find a replacement either
I just dont have words to say
how much you meant to my life

Whenever I see you my whole life shines
Whenever I talk to you all my pains leave me
Whenever I feel you I get the best
the best touch ever around me
Without you I have no life
I cant think of even a breath without you
You teached me the real mean of love
The real feeling of love
You made me feel it to the deepest

My dearest darling
I will be your shadow and will hold you
whenever you need a hand to lean on..
First thing in the morning
I worship you even before my God
Coz without you I am nowhere
I will make your dreams come true

I hope one day happiness will come
and kiss your feets
As your happiness is mine and your sorrow
In many more births to come
I want you right beside
As some one who will live with me
till my death ...

Before I sleep I say I love you
And in my dreams I hold you so tight
So that even if I die next day
I die with the love I have for you..
When ever you comes to my mind
I end up in tears
As that much I miss you
No matter what I do
I do it with you as you live in me...

Darling I love you   I love you
I love you   I love you
I love you   I love you
I love you   I love you
I love you   I love you

So please tell me and go
Why you didnt feel it same way
what was missing in my love
Coz I couldnt find any reason
to why you left me
Left me in this much pain
Did I do anything wrong
by loving you this much ??
Tell me my darling ...
Didnt you even feel an inch
of what I felt for you

May be I am not the prettiest
for some one to love me
May be I am not the sweetest
for some one to feel for me
May be I am not fair enough
for some one to attract for me
But atleast didnt you feel
the love I gave you
That is all what I want to know
Simply an answer for
why you never wanted my love .....

Monday, November 15, 2010


Sun is falling down
And it wont shine again in my life
This is the end of summer
Which is not gonna come back ever
So as the mind think of it..
Just like a volcano burns
my heart starts to ache
It is so much unbearable to say
how much painful
to think of a life without you !!
Which I am doing right now

People say love is a nice feeling
Which I always agreed
but some said its a painful wound
Till today I never knew it
Now I know that its a wound
which can never be healed
to see the real skin..
Even after ages it might heal
but still the mark will never leave

I gave my whole heart
Gave every inch of it
Every blood cell wrote your name
Every nerve plugged into your thoughts
Now you are gone and my heart is clashed
Its in thousand and thousand pieces
Which I cant repair at all

What a love is this ...
I want to kill this love
and throw my heart away
But how can I take you so easy
coz you are bind to my life
And I should die if I am to live without you

At this very moment ..
I dont want to talk to anyone
I dont want to eat anything
I dont want to sleep at night
All I need is to cry
Cry cry cry cry and cry
Until I take off all my tears
from my broken heart

Gosh I still live in that beautiful past
where I waited for your calls
Waited to listen to your voice
and counted days to see you ...
You were all over me
I saw the Goddess of love within you
When ever you are with me
I lived as if I am in heavan

I felt every bit of you
Your smile , your touch, your voice
Every second I lived with all that
You wont get it my dearest darling
You really wont get it...
You were everything to me..
you were my life, my pride
I kept my needs away
to full fill yours
Hope one day you will see all this..
And understand that there was a person
who loved you more than anyone in the world

You were number one in my life
and  I never even had a number two
From one to ten if I counted
Still it was only you
But darling...you came to my life
just to teach me how to live alone
But you know what I learned ??
I learned to live and die with love !!!
I simply wanna die now ...
That is all I need my love

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Loving you is just like having a beautiful wound...

Living without you is
just like the body living without the soul
I know that is the truth..
But still I need to face the reality
which says that you are no where
you are no where for me..

One week just passed..
with utter silence
which proved that you really can do so
I know you can
coz you never wanted me at all
but did you ever thought
how this heart is gonna take it??
how this heart can bear that pain
pain of missing you
I know you wont feel it
you will never feel it ..
But atleast if u can understand
that there is a heart which is crying for u

I passed this week same as you
but with one difference
I spent each second with you
keeping you in my mind
i want to kill my love inside
which was born for you
I want to do it
so I didnt try to contact you
coz I cant be a bother
to a person who dont need me

First ever in my life
I felt so deep in me
what real love is
I dont know why it went so deep
and I dont know how to explain
the feeling I felt which is so fresh
Very very new within me

I kept on going in this road
Kept on reaching high
knowing that you never wanted me
Knowing that you never loved me
But after one whole year
keeping only you in my heart
I only had tears
I couldnt even express my love
the way I wanted
Still I dont regret
coz I loved you
May be I still do so
But I need to give up this
I need to live my life
without you in my mind
coz its only me who feels all this
I know its such beautiful time
Which I could explain as a
beautiful wound I had
I never wanted to heal it so far
but now its time for me to
take actions to heal it
As I cant take this pain anymore

I love you..love you..love you..
Loved you to the fullest
Loved you to the deepest
From now on I would say
that I loved you ...
Coz I cant carry this anymore
I got see a end to this mirage
Which only I had in my dreams

I know you wont loose anything
Its only me who will loose everything
by letting you go
but I rather do it than keeping something
within me which is not mine at all

Monday, November 8, 2010

I want to spent my life time loving you !!!

I dont know how to say ..
I dont know how to show
I dont know how to express...
How much you mean to me
coz all this time
when ever I want to show you
how much you mean to me
you blocked me to the end

you stopped me saying what I felt
you stopped me saying I love you
You stopped me saying I miss you
it ended up me in tears
Ended in an aching heart
It was so unbearable to stay
right infront of you
keeping all my feelings
closed inside...

I know its not what you wanted from me
I know its not what you wanted me to say
you wanted me to work
Give the best to make your baby grow
But one thing you never realized
how hard it is to be with you
without letting me as me
I just feel that I am pretending
pretending as you are just a one
just a one who is as others
Which I hate
but cant help
coz that is what you need from me
to pretend that you are just
just a CEO to me

But inside my heart
you are everything
every inch of my skin is covered with your touch
every second I live my heart spell your name
Every minute I live I dream of you
I feel the warmth just as you are right beside...
Gosh but all that is stuck inside me
where I am just like a lifeless robot
who cannot express even a single thought
of what I feel inside..

All I know is every breath I take
I take with your name
So I cant take this pain anymore
of having being blocked
in all what I could say...

Love you raththaran !!!!

I am Blocked ...

Every day when I get up
I want to say good morning to you ..
Every minute when I think of you
I wanna text you to say hi
Each time I have my meals
I want to share it with you 
Every time I sleep 
I wanna gently kiss you and say good night
I wanna feed you a bite 
of every meal I have
I wanna sleep right next to you
feeling every breath you put out

Its not just that
I want to talk over and over
the same thing with you
and laugh as if no one around
I want to write poems
send songs and sayings
to say how much I love you
How much I miss you
when you are not around
I want to say all the sweet words...
Which just flows from my mind
I want to kiss you in the softest way
to make you feel that you are in heaven..

I wanna let u come so deep in me
I wanna let you feel the very end of me
I wanna let you see what my eyes say
I wanna stay right next to you every way

Still with all that I need more
More ways to say how much I love you
more ways to show how much I need you
more ways to make you feel how much I miss you
more ways to let you know that you are my life

But I am blocked
I cant do any of those
except for doing the job
Simply the work you need
I know that..
But I cant filter it
and give you only work
so I am so confused
I dont know how to hide my feelings
I dont know how to show
that you are nothing to me...
I feel so restless and feel so depressed
when I am lost in my feelings
Which is bottled up within me
I cant let it go ..
That is the eternal truth I see

So God please help me
help me to stop loving
loving you from
the very end of my heart !!!