Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Loved you more and more !! - Part 4


  So finally you know what happened ? I joined back to work with her. Coz that is the only way I saw to be with her, I knew that I dont have space in her life, and also knew that I cant love her the way I love or may be I cant express the way I did. But still I knew atleast I can hear her voice and even can do my best to help her and make my self happy. So I started working.
        I dont know whether this is a feeling of love or even fake care. I only knows that I cant resist my heart which is longing for her presence.
        I know one thing I never hurt her the way her friend did to her. I never treated her the way she treated. I never let her down when she needed care the most. But I still couldnt find a reason why she couldnt feel that I truly cared for her, truly from my heart I loved her. Even today knowing that I am not getting any love in return, still I dont want to leave her and find it from some where else. To be honest my heart is filled with happiness being with her and that heart cannot be satisfied with another. Or even I dont think I can find a replacement. May be as per the world we have to have a family and children to take care of. But still I dont know why I feel that I am fully occupied, that no one else can reach my heart anymore.

I loved you , loved you with all my heart
I never want to love any one now
just because you have no space for my care
I know its not right to force you
to accept or take my love
and its even not nice to force me
to stop loving just because you dont care

My dearest ...., I know this is the only way
I can say all the sweet things for you
coz infront of you I am speechless
As you refused my care
I wont say any word , word of love
But I still cant stop the way
my heart screams your name

you really filled my unknown world
with joy and care
by making me loves you so deep
That feelings has given me a long life
I am way to happy to think
that I got the most rare jem in the world
to care and protect from my own hands

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