Sunday, October 31, 2010

You are just a stranger now...

I dont know where i went wrong 
in loving you so deep 
Seems you never understood me
You always questioned me
What I want you to feel about ...
It really meant that you felt nothing
absolutely nothing about my love

But my darling...
Did you ever noticed that the love you kicked away 
was never the same as ordinary love 
which you see in dramas or even in real love stories
I was ready for anything ..
even to die for you 
When you wanted to build the house
I wanted to find a way to get money ...
What a risk to take a loan on behalf of others
every one questioned me
Every one scolded me saying  not to do so 
But nothing could stop me 
I only and only wanted to make your dream come true

You must have got some people's help 
where they spent your belongings to make you happy 
which was not the path I followed
may be I am wrong ...May be as you say I am stupid
But I still think my love for you was much more greater than 
even sha jahen coz I built thousand 
taj mahal's inside my heart for you 
simply for you ..

But my dear princess you never saw any of those..
You only saw my love as a burden to you 
You were so scared that you may have to give your heart to me 
isnt it the problem you had ????
Yes people do expect love in return 
but still I was not that same kind
I know , I would be delighted if you could give it in return 
but I loved you without even expecting that in return
but you never even wanted my love and care...

So there was nothing much that I could do
than to accomplish your wish
Rather than keep you in fear
coz in your thoughts you always had a doubt 
whether I need love in return..which you cannot give...

Anyway now things are gone..
I know for you may be its just nothing 
but I am living without a piece of my heart ..
and the hardest is to smile before my family 
to show that I am fine
where as inside me I am dying

But still never ever I will let u in 
never in my life 
coz that much its sooooo painful when I think of the way 
you rejected my love..
you are simply a stranger to me now
to my heart you are unknown..
thou its sooooooooooo hard 
I made it so
I erased your name from all the walls of my heart..
may be it will die soon ..but still 
My heart will die without being a burden to you by giving my love...

Good bye forever darling......Have a wonderful journey a head..!!!

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