Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ok ..Here We Go !!! My Life - Part 1


Well I dont know where to start or where to end..It was last year november. I met her. Even that meeting was a strange. Coz it was a only a call. Call for an interview. first I got a mail for my CV asking a time to call her. It was almost 11pm in the night. But still I replied back asking to call me the same time.
         She called me. Ohh it was a call for almost 2 hours. It registered in my mind as the most stressful interview I had. But still it went so well and still I recall the freshness of that call. Then later she came on skype. She talked for hours and hours a day ..But still I was not confirmed with the job. !!! well isnt it surprising ?? Even I was surprised too. I was too close even by the time I got my letter of appointment.
            Since then I talked, no we actually chat half of the time. She was with me all day and night. We had so many things to talk . About my family , her family, her principles, my principles, her relationships, my relationship (thou I didnt had any to talk about). And more than anything we talked about the office work.
           Little by little I liked her company. Wanted to be with her company. I waited for her calls, her messages. mmm, I think at first it was just a feeling of sympathy. Coz I felt that she has gone through soooooo much hardship due to this business. It was amazed for me to see that she was still stick with the business after all that happened. Coz being a woman it was not at all easy to servive in this world of business.
           Even when I joined many many people said that it will be really hard to deal with her. No one has even stayed longer with her. After hearing all that I also had a doubt on her coz I couldnt find anything bad in her at the very first few weeks. She was soooo nice that I started wondering why people had to leave such a nice person.
            After around a month a day came which will never go out from my mind. That was the first day in my life that I got scolded from her. It was completely unexpected and I couldnt take it at all. She blamed me for few minutes. But soon after that She wanted to say sorry to me. In a way I was suprised to see how can this person scold so hard and the very next time to say sorry. Well that is the day I understood her biggest weekness.Also I found the reason for many to leave her. But me, I understood her anger in a different way, not as the others did. I felt that she doesnt mean what she says when she is mad. She just say things and after all in seconds she will regret of saying it.
          How every days passed giving me a chance to understand her possitive and negative sides as well. But knowing her more and more my sympathy converted to a different feeling without even my notice. Little by little I felt her warmth, her care, her love, and felt her belongings as mine. even her kids I felt as if my own siblings.
          Day by day this went deep. Soooooo deep which even I didnt expected to be. The more I tried to get away from her, more I got deep into her. She was such attractive. She had some magnetic power I feel to make people attracted to her I guess. How ever moving on her pain became mine, her future became my goal, her present became my thoughts and there was no world for me without her.
           Can you really get what I say..Coz I even dont have words to express what feeling I had towards her. But one thing I knew that it was soo honest and it was a unique experience I went through which was never felt before. .......

Part 2 will be coming soooooooooooon...... 

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